Kewpieโ€™s Long-Lasting Legacy Of Great Taste, Empathy, And Uniqueness

Since 1925, it has been Kewpieโ€™s corporate belief that enhancing the quality of food takes more than just transcending flavours, but it takes the mindset and the drive to prioritise the importance of maintaining great health for everyone in the family. Kewpie Group’s goal is to continually contribute to the world’s food culture and health through great taste, empathy, and uniqueness. Both executives and employees work faithfully to provide special, choice goods and services in order to earn our customersโ€™ trust. With that, everybody at Kewpie is proud to have inherited the beliefs of Toichiro Nakashima, the founder of Kewpie Corporation, with regard to how job motivation comes from enjoying work with people who have the same ambitions and rejoicing together in this mission.

who we are

Putting Quality First

Ensuring food safety and great taste, enabling consumers to lead fulfilling, healthy lives through food is of vital importance to our mission. As a group, we all adhere to the โ€œQuality Firstโ€ principle in our work. We strive for personnel development to ensure high quality systems that underpin the Companyโ€™s quality, and the pursuit of technologies that enhance quality.

KewPie Singapore.
KewPie Singapore.

Corporate Motto

KewPie Singapore.

The idea that people who have the same ambitions enjoy working together, endure struggles together and rejoice together.

Corporate Principles
KewPie Singapore.

Act on moral principles

KewPie Singapore.

Strive for originality and ingenuity

KewPie Singapore.

Look after parentโ€™s well being

KewPie Singapore.
Our Ideal description

We aim to be a group contributing to the global food culture and everyoneโ€™s overall health through โ€œgreat taste, empathy, and uniqueness.โ€

KewPie Singapore.

Complying with group policies, we strive to earn the highest degree of trust from our customers and stakeholders

KewPie Singapore.


KewPie Singapore.
Baby Product โ€“ Parentโ€™s World 2020

– Best Varieties of Baby Food Pouches
– Best Interactive Baby Food (Niko Niko Box)

KewPie Singapore.
Parent's World 2021

– Best Interactive Baby Food (Niko Niko Box)

KewPie Singapore.

Any enquiries?
Get in touch!

Kewpie holds the promise of inspiring you to turn ordinary meals into unforgettable experiences by adding a creamy, delectable twist to your popular recipes! Watch out for our newest products to keep your meals tastier than ever!

contact us
KewPie Singapore.
KewPie Singapore.